Healthy Lifestyle: Why Has It Become More Important Post Pandemic?

The pandemic had confined everyone to their home. While for many it was strenuous to juggle between work for home and family. It even took a toll on health for many. The pandemic has shown us that leading a healthy lifestyle can prevent long-term illnesses and chronic diseases. Here, in this article I am going to confer about the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and how you can attain it.

Why should you lead a healthy lifestyle?

Disease Prevention:

 As I have mentioned, leading a healthy way of life can prevent you from attaining various diseases. Sticking to a standard diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce various cardiovascular diseases.

Taking whole grains can lower type 2 diabetes by 29 percent according to an observational study conducted on over 200,000 adults.

Longer Life:

Simply following a healthy lifestyle and keeping alcohol to a moderate consumption can increase your lifespan by 14 years. Healthy habits are connected to a longer lifespan.

Habits For A Healthy Life

Good for the Environment:

Does it sound strange? How can leading a healthy lifestyle be good for the environment? Well, it’s true that leading a healthy life can help nature.

All the ultra-processed foods like packaged cakes, cheese puffs etc. contribute to the emission of greenhouse gas. Moreover, ultra-processed food can lead to water scarcity, deforestation and plastic-waste.

It’s not only about eating healthy stuff. Simply reducing our motor rides and replacing them with bicycles can reduce carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. According to a study, if 20 percent of the population of motor drivers moved to bicycles for short commuting, it would reduce 57,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

How can you start?

Here are some ways you can follow for your well-being:

  • Consume More Veggies: Simply by consuming more veggies can reduce various cardiovascular diseases like. Try consuming less-processed veggies. Consume roasted vegetables with seasoned herbs or stir-fried colorful vegetables.
  • Stress Management: Mental health is something we many ignore when it comes to healthy well-being. Chronic-stress is susceptible to many health diseases like high blood pressure, cardiac diseases, depression and diabetes.
  • Exercising, spending time with loved ones can help in releasing stress. Other activities like cardio, yoga, meditation can help in lowering stress.

Each person has a different definition of healthy lifestyle. For you it could be exercising daily in the morning. For some it would be running two miles and consuming only veggies and fruits. The bottom line is that you need to find out what makes you feel good and brings you happiness.
