Understanding Real Estate Zoning Laws

Real estate zoning laws are used to control how land is used. They outline land use and how property can be developed. There are different types of zoning laws, and they vary depending on the municipality, country or state you are in. SomeĀ shubhodeep prasanta das zoning regulations restrict building height while others regulate the use of land for commercial or residential purposes. Zoning affects both residential property as well as future plans by developers who want to buy a plot of land.

Purpose of Zoning Laws

Zoning laws and regulations fulfil a number of purposes. They protect property values in a neighborhood. They also prevent the growth of businesses and industry, and dictate how property is used. Zoning laws also govern building height. Some areas require that buildings do not exceed a certain height to prevent blocking views, creating noise and preserve the character of an area. These regulations are imposed to achieve maximum efficiency in land use and limit urban sprawl.

Impact of Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations have an impact on developers. In the USA, they are important in determining the cost of residential and commercial real estate. The type of zone determines the building materials that can be used, which influence can cost. Residential property in an area with low density zoning is likely to be expensive than that located in a higher density area. Also, regulations relating to minimum lot size contribute to the expense of acquiring land for development purposes.

Types of Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations can be placed in one of five categories: building codes, planned unit development, residential use and density, industrial use and density and open space. Building codes include the minimum quality standards for structures to protect the environment. Planned unit developments are large complexes where the land is owned by a developer who controls the sale of units within that complex. Residential zoning has two types: low density and high density.
